The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study is a nationwide study and investigates health, quality of life and needs after childhood and adolescent cancer. The study was set up and launched in 2007 in close collaboration with survivors, their families and treating physicians. This year, the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study celebrates its 15th birthday!
To celebrate this milestone, the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the University of Bern hosted an information and exchange event on April 29, 2022. In attendance were representatives from prominent organizations throughout Switzerland such as Kinderkrebs Schweiz, Kinderkrebshilfe Schweiz, ARFEC, Zoé 4 life, the Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder Regio Basiliensis, the Stiftung Kinderkrebsforschung Schweiz and Cancer Research Switzerland.
The event started with a welcome from the founders of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, Prof. Claudia Kuehni and Prof. Nicolas von der Weid, and the presentation of the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the University of Bern. The research team presented the most important results from the last 15 years and gave an insight into current research priorities, for example on the effects of cancer treatment on hearing or the heart. Together we discussed the future of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study and what the different childhood cancer organizations expect from the study. A good exchange between research, treating physicians and patients is very important for a better understanding of possible late effects of cancer and to provide the best possible support to affected survivors and their families after the difficult fight against cancer. At the end, we toasted the last 15 years of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study with an aperitif.